Every product has a purpose. The purpose of a product is to meet as desired standard The desired standard is determined by the product manufacturer. 

Our spiritual new birth has a standard to meet. We are not born again to live any how. We are called for a purpose. The purpose of our calling is to be conformed to image of God's son Rom. 8:28-29

We are the revelation of God to the world. John 20:21

We are living evidence of God, a show proves of Jehova. Let it be whoever sees us sees Jesus Christ. John 14:9

In last week message, and I did say that "For the LORD gives wisdom; out of His mouth comes knowledge and understanding Prov. 2:6-7.

Wisdom For Christian Standard 


1. There must be Genuine Love For God. Matt. 22:37-39. 

It takes love to be in tune with God. Through love one can have real fellowship with Him then divine instruction which is above human reasoning.


2. Love For God's Word. Psalms 119:97, 16, 165

 Loving God's word guarantees access to wisdom for Christian standard

Let's look at What God's Word Says Eph. 4:21-32

1. Put Off the old manner of living 

2. Be renewed in your mind through meditation in God's Word. You can Rom. 12:2, Prov. 23:7,.

3. Put on the new Man. Make the lifestyle of Christ who is a God resident in you a reality. 

4. Avoid lying and speak the truth always. Psalms 31:6, 119:29,119:163,120:2, 

5. Avoid Prolonged Anger. Prov. 15:18, 16:32, 19:11, Eccles 7:9

Don't let the sun goes down on your anger in order to avoid the devil gaining access to your life. Prolonged anger opens the door for the devil into your life to carry out his wicked devices. 

6. Stop stealing through tricks, yahoo fraudulent practices, and forging papers, rather find legitimate jobs to do in order to be a blessing to others.

7. Let no corrupt word proceed from your mouth. Speak the words that edifice and ministers grace to the hearer. 

8. Don't grieve the Holy Spirit through resistance to His leading. It is by the Holy Spirit you are sealed, united with Jesus Christ until you are finally transported to heaven. 

9. Let bitterness  malice be dropped. Bitterness is a product of unforgiveness. Jesus says "So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if you from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses"Matt. 18:35. 

Be you kind to one another. 

Show kindness and have tenderheart towards others. Let what affect others be your concern. Avoid selfishness and self centeredness. If you apply these wisdom for Christian standard your life shall be full of light and signpost to Jesus Christ. 

May God bless you as you commit yourself to be a proof of Jesus Christ to the world. 

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