Greatest problem of mankind is not the demons or devil but thoughts.  Every defeat anyone experience is product of thought pattern.  Many people are reduced to pack of cards because of the way they reason.

No one can be greater than his thoughts and one can excel beyond his reasoning. You are what you are by the way you think.

In Prov. 23:7 "....As a man thinks in his heart so he is". No one achieve greatness without correct thinking. There is common slogan amongst Japanese, "Good Thinking Good Product".  The can of life you live is determined by your thoughts.

God wants us to change our thoughts pattern.  In Rom. 12:2 , we are commanded to have our minds transformed by renewing of our minds.  The absolute way to do that by thinking scripturally. It is only through the word of God we have good thinking. Isaiah 55:8-9  It is through God's word you really see who you are. Scriptural thoughts guarantee victorious and higher life. Therefore, let's search the scripture and know God is saying concerning us.

We are extension of God Almighty. We are made like Him. We are to manifest Him in all our endeavours. When we think His then He manifests through us.

God bless you.

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