The greatest problem of mankind is not demon or devil but thought.  Every man's defeat is a product of his thought pattern.  Many people reduced to pack of cards because of the the way they think.  No one is greater than his thoughts and nobody can accomplish anything in life when he is full of negative imaginations.

Your mental picture drawn shows where you are going. Your reasoning pattern determines your experience. Your thoughts determine who you are, Prov. 23:7.  For anyone's life to have a meaning, there must be adequate care of what goes on in the heart. Prov. 4:23.

There is a Japanese slogan which says "Good Thinking Good Product".  A good and productive life has to do with good thinking.

We are extension of God. We are like Him because we are made in His image and likeness. Gen. 1:26.  God wants us to change the way we think.  He wants us to have His thoughts which are revealed in His Word. Isaiah 55:8-9. Scriptural thoughts guarantee successful and higher life. In Rom. 12:2, we instructed to renew our minds.  It is in God's word we can adequately renew our minds. In Deut. 28:1-2 When we give heed to God's word we will be lifted to higher life. Our God is above therefore top belongs to us in Jesus name

Higher thoughts determine higher life.

God  bless.

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