John 11:44

Loose Him And Let Him Go
John 11:44

Since the history of mankind this generation is the most dangerous one, with multi-religion and multi-cultic sects all over the society.   Many young people are influenced or forced into cultism and walking to hell every day without restraint. Even in churches many worship God with only their lips their hearts far from Him. The church being the last card of God to effect a change in the earth, let us wake up to our responsibility to loose men and let them go. If we should be at ease in such a time as this, the creations will blame us. 

We are in the age of manifestation of the sons of God (Rom. 8:19). God has an assignment for everyone in His kingdom. You are called into His kingdom such a time as to be involved loosing men out of bondage. You have been chosen and ordained to liberate men from the power of darkness. John 15:16

In the light of the above, let x-ray our text.

Jesus Christ raised Lazarus who was dead for four days to life, He did not commit Himself to loose him rather, commanded His disciples to "loose him and let him go." The salvation of anyone from spiritual death is Christ while the responsibility of preaching deliverance to the captives is committed to us to handle. Go and loose him and let him go.

The reasons are :

1.         It was men that bounded lazarus him it would also be men to loose him.

2.         Disciples must be involved in the freedom of man. Hosea 12:13 "And by a prophet the LORD brought Israe out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved". You and I must involved in the affairs of men for their liberation.

For anyone to be loosed God must be involved and men have their role to play.
           There can never be freedom on earth until men are used to effect it. "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed".  John 8:36

3.        You the revelation of God to the world. Matt. 5:14 "Ye are the light of the world.  A city that is  set on an hill cannot be hid." You and I are the ones to preach to the conviction of the people before they can seek for freedom.  You cannot force freedom on anybody.  Jesus asked the man who had an infirmity 38 years,  "Wilt thou be made whole?" Until someone willing to be made whole or loosed,  there is nothing any one can do.

4..       Jesus brought you from spiritual death, Eph. 2:1-2  and has committed you to His anointed servants for your total liberation.  John 11:44 you too have to do the same to others.
2.       Though Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus yet he was not save and could not received his sight  until he had an encounter with Ananias. Act.  9:17-18

Lazarus allowed the disciples to loose him.  You and I must persuade men to conviction to deliverance from the power of darkness.  As servants of God liberation of people is a must ,something new must happen to you.

The Bible says "Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you" By the power of corporate anointing, there shall be signs and wonders today. 

God bless you as you make yourself available for God's kingdom.

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