Every man is born to be a change agent on the earth.  What is needed in the world that determined your creation. Your relevance is by what achieve or accomplish.  It takes seeing clearly to become achiever. The secret of great men is the ability to see.  Poor sight leads to frustration. Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 2:14 "The wise man's eyes are in his head; but the fool walketh in darkness:..."

An achiever has a great sight to recognize needs in his environment and also see what is needed to meet it. The greatest undoing of a man is his mental blindness.  Lack of sight is the mother of poverty. When a man cannot see what is needed in an environment and wherewithal to meet is the reason for long time stagnation. Everyone's stardom is the ability to see a need and recognize wherewithal to get it done.

In the book of Jeremiah it is written "Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" And I said, "I see a branch of an almond tree." Then the LORD said to me, "you have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word." Jere. 11-12

God is committed to any man who can see well. Many people these days see negative things and get negative result. If you don't see what God says about you then, you see what the devil says about you. Good sight is evidence of agreement with God's word. He said to Jeremiah in as much you are seeing what I am seeing, I will hasten my word to perform it. If you want to achieve anything in this life, you have to see God's purpose for your life, what He wants to be done in where you are and what is needed to carry it out.

God does not see negative in any situation. In the beginning of creation, the Bible says God saw what he has made is good. He did not see evil in what he has made.  See good in your business, your wife or husband, your family, your environment etc. What is needed to be corrected as change agent, go and correct it.  Please don’t close your eyes, open it to effect a change anywhere you find yourself.

Don’t leave the environment the way you met it. Effect a change to make you an achiever.
Stop finding fault with other people and stop look at the failure of others to measure your own.  What you don’t like in others is for you to show your potential. The failure in Queen Vashti is for the promotion of Esther. You have a great future ahead of you, open your eyes to see success in every venture.

God bless you 

Rev. Michael A. Obazee

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