Isaiah 43 :18 - 19

Life is pleasant with variety.  The greatest misfortune to anyone is stagnation. Everyone's aspiration is something new. Every day people are buying new things, new dresses, new cars etc.

Therefore, you can't remain the level you are now nor allow things to remain the way they are.  Something new must happen to you. You must move forward to new level in Jesus name, Amen. Your life must be filled testimonies and laughter in Jesus name.

In our text, God says "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, even rivers in the desert".

In verse 18, God says, "Remember ye not the former things".  No one can move forward by looking backward.  What is former, is in the past. Whatever is past should be treated past and look forward to what is new. No matter the blissful yesterday, it cannot be compared with your future. Your tomorrow is greater than your yesterday.
Another thing is after you have let go the past, God is saying, I will do a new thing. Until you let go your past you can't see the future. You are made for a new thing and a new level.
You cannot be stranded in life with Jesus Christ in you. In as much God has said He will do new thing. Something new must happen to you in this season.

Another thing is that nothing just happened. Every happening there must a force applied. The greatest efforts to effect a change is prayer. For a new thing to happen there must be adequate and pre-requisite prayers.  Until you pray nothing happens.  If there is a man to pray,  there is a God to answer.

Why should we pray

Psalms 21:2, 65:2

1.    We pray to communicate with God
    Psalms 65:2, Isaiah 45:22.   It takes prayer to be in fellowship with our heavenly Father.

2.    We pray to attract God's attention and presence to our lives. "Now when all the people were baptized, it  came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. Luke 3:21-22, you see prayer distinguished Jesus from the crowd.

3.    We pray to enforce our victory and authority over
enemies.  John  16:33, Rom. 8:37,  1 John 4:4, 5:4. If we click our mouths the enemies rule, and there will be retrogression or stagnation.

4.    We pray to change situation, Psalms 35:4-6. Nothing changes until a force is applied. The absolute force that cause anyone to experience new things is divine force, which can only be achieved by prayer and worship.

Who is to pray for an answer?

1.    Every child of God.  Luke 18:1
2.     A clean heart.  Matt.  5:8, Psm. 24:3-5
 3.   Anyone Whose faith is in God through Jesus. Mark 11:22-24
The period we are in now demands effective prayer of a child of God to change things and situations around us. Things must change in Jesus name! Amen.

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