Yesterday, as I led the brethren to pray, God opened our eyes of understanding through this Scripture - 1 Kings 21:1 - 21.

King Ahab came after Naboth's land with an attempt to either exchange it for another land or pay the monetary value. You may wonder, like I did, what Ahab would need that land for, being a king who has access to uncountable hectares of land.

Well, Naboth was bold enough to refuse the intended wickedness of Ahab but that was not all he needed to do. His refusal was because the property meant more than just a land to him. It was an heritage; a blessing from his fathers. Naboth made efforts to protect his inheritance. He knew it was his right.

Naboth was courageous enough to challenge the king but that was not all he needed to do. That was just a mere refusal. He failed to strategize on how to stop the king...He failed to make moves. He refused but he did not resist. Remember, if you fail to make a MOVE you might be reMOVED.

On the other hand, an ally of the king, Jezebel, orchestrated a strategy that succeeded in ensuring that her depressed husband, king Ahab, got the land by all means. She engineered a 'set up' and killed Naboth.


Though Naboth was avenged, but that was after his death. If he acted fast and knew the right moves to make he wouldn't have died by the plots of his enemies. The same God who avenged him after death would have heard his cry if he took the matter to God. He only refused. He didn't not resist.

Beloved, is that not similar enough to what we are going through now. We are being threatened. There is a deliberate attempt by some Ahabic and Jezebelic powers to take that which belongs to us: our land, our peace, our joy, priesthood, our dominion. If we leave it just at the level of refusal, like Naboth did, king Ahab, Jezebel and her messengers might kill us before our time.

Psalm 34:15-17 (KJV)
15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.

16 The face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

17 The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.


The major move Naboth needed to make was to take the matter to God in prayers. Instead of Naboth to fast and pray to God to fight his battles he just merely refused and relaxed. It was his enemies who fasted so as to successfully terminate his life.

Are we going to fold our hands this period and watch our enemies fast and strategies to take our lives. NEVER! IT SHALL NOT BE!

We must wake up and pray. This pressure must not swallow us. We must refuse to give away our inheritance, we must resist it with the authority of our voice in the place of prayer to our God who will certainly avenge us. Every of our inheritance must be recovered. WAKE UP BELOVED, WAKE UP!!

1. O LORD, bring evil upon our enemies.
2. Father, take away the prosperity of our enemies.
3. In the name of Jesus, I shall not be a casualty in the hands of my enemies.
4. In the name of Jesus, my inheritance will not be casualty in the hands of my enemies.
5. Every messenger of death, assigned against my life, go back to your sender and terminate their life, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every evil powers that has established authority over us, let them be dismantled, and stripped of their powers in Jesus name.

PLEASE READ IT ALOUD with boldness

#pray and #share
Written by Tarbuka Famous

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