Dear friends,
On December 1, 1955 we all remember how the middle aged "negro woman", Mrs. Rosa Parks refused to stand up for a young white man who just boarded the segregated bus. If she did, she would have to stand all through the journey. Please recall that the bus is segregated in Alabama and most Southern states of US then. Whites sit in front rows. Blacks sit from the back. Blacks would normally pay fare to the driver in the front, then step out of the bus and go through the back door to find a place in a choked space at the rear. If the allocated spaces for blacks are filled, all other blacks boarding the bus would have to stand even when the more than half of the bus spaces, reserved for whites are empty! Such was the injustice that Mrs. Parks confronted.

She was promptly arrested, scheduled for prosecution on Monday December 5. Then the Rev. Martins Luther King and his NAACP comrades stepped in. They called out the people of Montgomery. They spoke about the sad realities of their existence, the terror of an unjust system and barbaric treatments in the hands of fellow Americans. There and then, *they decided to take action and to protest that injustice, by boycotting the segregated buses until the injustice is corrected*. The boycott began December 6.
Dear friends, here is the crux of the matter. *They took action!* For 1 year and 16 days, *the blacks of Montgomery trekked to and from work or boarded improvised pooled taxes, everyday*, until the US supreme courts declared segregation unconstitutional!

During the struggle, someone offered an obviously tired grandmother a lift in his pool car, she declined, retorting that, *"l ain't trekking for myself, but for my children and grandchildren "*!

So, dear friends, whenever we don’t take action and we feel unobligated, unconcerned,* we should simply remember the Montgomerians; and that grandmother... Without them, the freedom that US is famed for today wouldn't have happened, or happened too late.

So, I am asking all of us again: *are we ready to trek for Nigeria* as the Montgomerians? Are we willing to do our own little bits for cause of good governance? Are we ready to act?
(1) Let is boycott the eating of cow meat completely from the 1st of February.
(2) and Let’s get our PVC and act, to vote and be voted for.  God bless.👈🏽copied

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