Freedom For Freedom

"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise". Luke 6:31
I want to address one of the fundamental instrument that guarantees peace and tranquility in any society. This becomes imperative because urgent attention is needed to avoid total collapse of Nigeria as nationhood.
The reason for the clamouring of restructuring of Nigeria is oppression and enslavement of the poor by the so called special  privileged individuals and people in authority. The communities which contribute over 80℅ of the National wealth, have their lands devastated due exploration of oil while the people are living in abject poverty without development and government impact. Oppression is not only in government circle, it cut across churches and Mosqus, business organizations and traditional institutions.
The evils in our society today are:  police brutality, government authorities violating the law and using the law to enslave the citizens and using religion to oppress people of other faith, Fulanis Herdsmen onslaught against Christians in many parts of the country and especially Southern Kaduna without anyone arrested nor being cautioned, none payment of workers salary as at when due. Even Christians who are supposed to be embodiment of light being employers are not exempted from this wickedness. God's word declares in Deu 24:14-15 Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy, whether he be of thy brethren, or of thy strangers that are in thy land within thy gates:"At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it; for he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it: lest he cry against thee unto the LORD, and it be sin unto thee". Some Christians denied their employees their salaries and wages claiming there is no money yet they are building houses, mansions and buying fleets of cars, still go to worship centers with offering of wickedness. Even some government officials use their religion to oppress people of other faith for materials gain. There so much injustice in our world. How can there be peace?
One of the reasons God allow Israel to be carried to captivity in Babylon is oppression of the poor according to Jer 22:3 "Thus saith the LORD; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this". Oppression is the bale  for confusion and uproar in any society. That is why King Solomon says in Eccl. 7:7 "Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad; and a gift destroyeth the heart".
Oppression is a killer of peace and the cause of violence in any society, and no society can thrive in violation of fundamental human rights that causes violence. God has not created any man to be abused, enslaved and oppressed. That is why no man wants to be enslaved or oppressed. Average human beings will resent oppression with all that is within their power.
Anyone who enslaves another he also a slave.  It takes a slave to make someone a slave. Also takes free individual to gives someone freedom. You can't give what you don't have. Because Jesus Christ is a free personally that is why He can make anyone free. Anyone who makes someone a slave always lives in fear. He spends more resources to protect himself against slaves revolting, while respect for humanity and deal with people in fairness will save a lot of money wasted on arms and ammunition. Another thing is violence gives birth to more violence. Oppressor wil alwaysl listen to more lies. He does not walk according to his conscience, rather he rely on false security that will eventually disappoint him.
Many emperors have come and gone who enslaved and oppressed people, relied on false security and were later disappointed. Where is Idiamin of Uganda, Where are the Caesars and Adolf Hitler, they were deceived, disappointed defeated. What they did to others were done to them. In life there is always a payback time. Nobody has monopoly of violence.
The best way you can have and enjoy peace is to set others free and stop inhuman behavior. Value human life and do unto others what you expect anyone to do to you. God told Israel in Babylon to seek for the peace of the city where they were, and in the peace of that place they will have peace, Jer. 29:7.If you need peace do what makes for peace. Freedom is only guarantee when you give freedom.
God bless you.

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