We live in a period of when it is difficult to identify a Christian from unbelievers. Our churches are populated with all kinds of people without pre-requisite heart conviction and conversion that lead to total transformation. No one is truly transformed to reflect the image of Christ without conversion from sinner to saint. Being a minister of the gospel, a chorister or a worker in the house of God without conversion is aberration.

Life is not about what one can do or does for Jehovah but how much of relationship and fellowship with Him.  Your relevance in spiritual matters is the intimacy with the Supreme Being and meeting the spiritual requirement of a clean vessel. The reason for this write-up is to examine ourselves and ascertain our relevance in spiritual realm.

It takes a clean vessel to be of honour.  Not every vessel in a house deserves honour. The ones that attract regards is handled with care while others are merely used and dumped.  I don’t want to be used and dumped. King Saul was used and dumped because he violated the spiritual requirement for continuity of honour.

To be Vessel of honour there are certain requirement.

1.      Receiving Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and personal saviour.  John 1:12, Rom. 10:9-10. Jesus Christ being the only begotten Son of the Father who died to save humanity, until one receives him as Lord there can never be connection with the Father.  John 14:6

2.      There must be total rejection of the old ways of life. That is cleaning up from sexual immorality, wicked imaginations, evil vices etc. Until there is cleaning up one can be used and dumped. God can use anything, and not everything He uses receives honour.  The donkey the Balam rode on was used to correct him but she did not receive honour.

3.      One must be a servant. A servant wait on his master to listen and carry out his master’s will.  , Jesus says in John 5:30 “I can of myself do nothing….” It takes listening to God to adequately carry out His assignment. John 9:4,  4:34

4.      There must be a heart panting after God. Psalm 42:P1-2, 63:1-2

5.      There must be continual study of God’s word. 2 Tim. 2:15. Jesus says in John 15:3 “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you”. It takes receiving God’s word to clean anyone from every evil debris.

6.      There must be mind transformation. Rom. 12:1-2 Our minds need transformation through meditation.  Joshua 1:8. Every action is a product of thoughts.  A transform thought leads to transformed lifestyle. What is in the mind determines everyone action or inaction.

Anyone who creates time to apply these truths will never be a vessel of dishonor but vessel of honour and acceptable in the sight of God and man.

God bless your.

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